John Thomas Foster 1935 The death occurred at Eumungerie. on Saturday last, after
a prolonged illness, of Mr. John Thomas Foster, at
the age of 72 years. Deceased, who was an old and
highly respected resident of the district, was a
native of Temora, and is survived by four sons and three
daughters, viz., Messrs. Jack (Eumungerie), Sid (Junee), Les (Young), Bert (Brisbane), Mrs. W. Morton
(Eumungerie), Mrs. Taggart (Young), and Miss Lila Poster
(Eumungerie). All the children, with the exception
of Bert, were with their father when he passed away,
deceased's wife predeceased him some 20 years
ago. The funeral left the residence of Mrs. Morton on
Sunday morning for St. Ambrose's Church Gilgandra where a short service was held by the Rev. R. Collick, after
which the cortege moved off to the Church of
England portion of the Gilgandra cemetery, Rev. Collick also
officiating at the graveside. A-large number of
cars conveyed relatives and friends from Eumungerie and
district, and many floral tokens were placed on the
casket from various sporting bodies, including the
Eumungerie Cricket Club and Old-Time
Club. The mortuary arrangements were carried out by Mr, A. H.
Ross. The deepest sympathy of a large circle of friends will be
extended to the relatives in their bereavement. Gilgandra Weekly and Castlereagh 28 Feb 1935
Mrs John Foster 1914 I regret to have to report the death of one of Eumungerie's oldest residents in the person of Mrs. John Foster. The deceased lady was stricken down, last week with a paralytic stroke. Dr. Burkitt, of Dubbo, was summoned. Mrs. Foster lingered till Sunday, death taking place at about 10 a.m. The remains were interred in the Gilgandra cemetery. Our sympathy is with the bereaved family, the widower, four sons and four daughters. Dubbo Liberal 23rd October 1914
Death has claimed another victim at Eumungerie in the person of Mrs. J. Foster, sen., a highly respected resident of the town. The late Mr. Foster was stricken down with a paralytic stroke on last Tuesday evening. Dr. Burkitt was summoned, but at once it was evident that the case was very serious, and little hope was entertained for recovery. In spite of careful attention the end came on Sunday morning. To the grief-stricken husband and family a large circle of friends extend most sincere sympathy. The remains were interred in the Gilgandra cemetery yesterday afternoon. Dubbo Dispatch & Wellington Independent 20 October 1914
Thomas Furney 1934 One by one, the old pioneers of the Dubbo district are passing on. Another link with the past was snapped in Sydney on Friday, when Thomas Furney (father of Mr. Alf Furney, of Gilgandra, who first came to Dubbo in 1863, went to his rest. The late Mr. Furney was associated with Dubbo while the town was still in its swaddling clothes. Born in Ireland in 1849, he came to Dubbo when the embryo city of today was only a small settlement of isolated dwellings. Many a time had he told his friends of the days when he used to shoot ducks on a reed-covered swamp, which extended along Talbragar Street, and over the land where the Court House now stands. He did well in the town, and acquired a large area of country in its environs, but it passed to others as the years went by. He eventually settled down at Eumungerie, where he carried on business as a saddler, until he retired about five years ago, and went to live in Sydney. A fine type of man. and one who made many friends, the deceased was generally liked, and the news of his death will be learned with regret. His wife predeceased him four years ago, but he is survived by two daughters and five sons. The daughters are: Mrs A. S. Enderby (Dubbo) and Mrs. W. Kennedy (Ashfield), and the sons George (Sydney) Alfred Gilgandra), Ernest (Sydney), and William (Dubbo). The body was taken to Dubbo on Saturday and then to Holy Trinity Church, the funeral leaving for the Church of England portion oi the cemetery at 2 p.m. on Saturday afternoon. Gilgandra Weekly & Castlereagh 5th July 1934
Walter Farragher 1910 Mr. Walter Thomas Farragher, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Farragher, of Eumungerie, died on Thursday night last as the result of pneumonia supervening upon measles. Measles were in the house, and on Monday deceased was well, but in the evening he developed symptoms of the same disorder, and rapidly became worse, so that on Wednesday medical aid was sought, and the following afternoon he was removed to the hospital but died the same evening. Deceased was only 21, and his parents will have many sympathisers in their loss. Interment took place on Saturday in the Church of England portion of the cemetery, the Rev. C. W. Leavers conducting the service. Daily Liberal 19 October 1910
Ellen Fallon 1898 Mrs. Ellen Fallon, of Fallonville, Coalbaggie district, died suddenly at her residence on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Fallon and her family took up a considerable area of land around Coalbaggie, in the Dubbo district. One of the deceased's daughters, Miss Kate Fallen, left Sydney recently on a tour round the world. Freemans Journal 16 July 1898
DEATH OF MRS. ELLEN FALLON 1898 Mrs. Ellen Fallon, of Fallonville, Coalbaggie Creek, died suddenly at her residence on Saturday evening. Mrs. Fallon whilst walking around the house complained of feeling unwell, and on being taken inside died within half an hour. The deceased lady came to Dubbo with her husband and family from Deniliquin district about 11 years ago, and shortly after their arrival Mr. Fallon died. The family acquired large tracts of landin this district. Her body was conveyed to Dubbo this afternoon, and placed in St. Brigid's Catholic Church. A Requiem Mass will be celebrated to-morrow (Wednesday) morning, and the body will be afterwards interred in tbe family vault in the Catholic Cemetery. Mrs. Fallon, who leaves a grown up family well provided for, was highly esteemed for her amiable and charitable disposition. National Advocate 13 July 1898